Rassegna bibliografica

Vol. 86, Iss. 8, November 2013
Sick leave due to back pain in a cohort of young workers
887-899A. Van Nieuwenhuyse, A. Burdorf, G. Crombez, G. Verbeke, R. Masschelein, Ph. Mairiaux, G. F. Moens
Roma Runeson-Broberg, Dan Norbäck
Relationship between intensity of night shift work and antioxidant status in blood of nurses
923-930Jolanta Gromadzińska, Beata Peplonska, Wojciech Sobala, Edyta Reszka, Wojciech Wasowicz, Agnieszka Bukowska, Jenny-Anne Lie
Depressive symptoms and carotid artery intima-media thickness in police officers
931-942John M. Violanti, Luenda E. Charles, Ja K. Gu, Cecil M. Burchfiel, Michael E. Andrew, P. Nedra Joseph, Joan M. Dorn
Andreas Seidler, Sabine Jähnichen, Janice Hegewald, Alba Fishta, Olga Krug, Luisa Rüter, Claudia Strik, Ernst Hallier, Sebastian Straube