Rassegna bibliografica

Vol. 71, Iss. 4, April 2014
Interactions between SERPINA1 PiMZ genotype, occupational exposure and lung function decline
234-240A J Mehta, G A Thun, M Imboden, I Ferrarotti, D Keidel, N Künzli, H Kromhout, D Miedinger, H Phuleria, T Rochat, E W Russi, C Schindler, J Schwartz, R Vermeulen, M Luisetti, N Probst-Hensch, SAPALDIA team
Dupuytren's contracture and occupational exposure to hand-transmitted vibration
241-245Keith T Palmer, Stefania D'Angelo, Holly Syddall, Michael J Griffin, Cyrus Cooper, David Coggon
Deborah C Glass, A Robert Schnatter, Gong Tang, Richard D Irons, Lesley Rushton
The association between ambient exposure to organophosphates and Parkinson's disease risk
275-281Anthony Wang, Myles Cockburn, Thomas T Ly, Jeff M Bronstein, Beate Ritz