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Occupational Medicine (Oxford Journals). Vol. 64, Iss. 5, July 2014
Magnetic fields and leukaemia risks in UK electricity supply workers
358-364G. I. Walters, A. S. Robertson, V. C. Moore, P. S. Burge
The HSE Management Standards Indicator Tool: concurrent and construct validity
365-371F. Marcatto, L. Colautti, F. Larese Filon, O. Luis, D. Ferrante
Psycho-behavioural risks of low back pain in railway workers
372-375K. Ganasegeran, W. Perianayagam, P. Nagaraj, S. A. R. Al-Dubai
Voice disorders in Nigerian primary school teachers
382-386R. Akinbode, K. B. H. Lam, J. G. Ayres, S. Sadhra