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Occupational Medicine (Oxford Journals). Vol. 63, Iss. 7, October 2013
Madhukar Pai, Niaz Banaei
Hazard information needs and information seeking in French workers
473-478L. Rollin, J. Ladner, A. Gislard, F. Monfrin, J.-Y. Larchevesque, P. Deslandes, J.-F. Gehanno
Agents and trends in health care workers’ occupational asthma
513-516G. I. Walters, V. C. Moore, E. E. McGrath, P. S. Burge, P. K. Henneberger
C. J. M. Poole, M. Wong
Severe occupational hand eczema, job stress and cumulative sickness absence
509-515D. Böhm, S. Stock Gissendanner, F. Finkeldey, S. M. John, T. Werfel, T. L. Diepgen, K. Breuer
Animal allergen sensitization in veterinarians and laboratory animal workers
516-520M. Moghtaderi, S. Farjadian, M. Abbaszadeh Hasiri
The prevalence of respiratory symptoms among mushroom workers in Ireland
533-538J. P. Hayes, J. Rooney
Cancer incidence among 41 000 offshore oil industry workers
539-545J. S. Stenehjem, K. Kjærheim, K. S. Rabanal, T. K. Grimsrud