Rassegna bibliografica

Journal of Occupational and Environmetal Medicine. Vol. 57, Iss. 11, November 2015
Landsbergis Paul A., Diez-Roux Ana V., Fujishiro Kaori, Baron Sherry, Kaufman Joel D., Meyer John D., Koutsouras George, Shimbo Daichi, Shrager Sandi, Stukovsky Karen Hinckley, Szklo Moyses
Anatomical UV Exposure in French Outdoor Workers
1192–1196Vernez David, Koechlin Alice Ing; Milon Antoine, Boniol Magali, Valentini Faustine, Chignol Marie-Christine, Dore Jean-Francois, Bulliard Jean-Luc, Boniol Mathieu
The Sustainability of an Occupational Skin Cancer Prevention Program
1207–1213Walkosz Barbara J., Buller David B., Andersen Peter A., Scott Michael D., Cutter Gary R.