Journal of Occupational and Environmetal Medicine. Vol. 57, Iss. 11, November 2015
The Sustainability of an Occupational Skin Cancer Prevention Program
Objective: Sustainability of prevention programs is a public health goal.
Methods: The effectiveness of Go Sun Smart, an occupational skin cancer prevention program, was evaluated 5 to 7 years out from the conclusion of a controlled randomized dissemination trial that compared an enhanced versus basic dissemination strategy at 53 ski areas enrolled in the trial.
Results: Employees (n = 2940) at ski areas in the enhanced condition reported fewer sunburns but did not differ from employees in the basic condition on other sun-protection measures. Significant differences for all sun-protection practices were identified at ski areas that displayed nine or more Go Sun Smart materials or a combined total of nine or more Go Sun Smart and other sun safety messages.
Conclusions: Exposure to prevention messages is an important determinant of program effectiveness and potentially of program sustainability.