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American Journal of Industrial Medicine. Vol. 57, Iss. 1, January 2014

The copenhagen psychosocial questionnaire II (COPSOQ II) in Spain—A tool for psychosocial risk assessment at the workplace


Aims To describe the second version of the Spanish Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire and to present evidence of its validity and reliability.

Methods The original Danish long COPSOQ II questionnaire was adapted to the labor market, cultural, and linguistic setting of Spain and included in the 2010 Spanish Psychosocial Risks Survey. Analysis involved the assessment of psychometric characteristics and associations among psychosocial scales and health scales. Medium and short versions were derived from the long one.

Results The long questionnaire was configured with 24 dimensions (92 items), medium-length questionnaire with 20 dimensions (69 items), and short questionnaire with 14 dimensions (28 items). All scales showed acceptable reliability and concordance between versions. Most associations among psychosocial scales and Mental Health, Stress, and Burnout scales were in the expected direction, except the scale of Influence, that showed some incongruent associations.

Conclusion Results support the validity and reliability of Spanish COPSOQ II questionnaires as tools for psychosocial risk assessment at the workplace, however, better scales should be developed specially for the dimension of Influence.


psychosocial factors, Psychosocial work environment, questionnaires, Spain, Stress, surveys

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