Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Vol. 55, Iss. 11, November 2013
Chemical Control Measures for Dermal Exposure in Australian Workplaces
Objective: To investigate the relationships between occupational, workplace, and demographic factors and the provision of multilevel exposure protection systems.
Methods: Respondents reporting dermal chemical exposure at work were asked about protective measures provided to them in the workplace, which we classified as personal protection or awareness measures. An ordered logistic model was used to investigate the odds of workers reporting that both, either or neither, types of exposure control measures were provided in their workplaces.
Results: Larger workplace size and permanent and fixed-term employment were associated with exposure protection systems incorporating both hazard awareness and personal protective measures.
Conclusion: Our results indicate that employment in small workplaces, nonpermanent and self-employed workers may be important intervention targets for improving workers’ exposure protection.
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